A QHHT session is a one-to-one process that typically lasts about 3-4 hours.
Step 1 of the QHHT process begins at home where you set your intentions for a successful session. You also compose a list of questions you would like to have answered by your Higher Self - questions having to do with your health, career, relationships, personal challenges, spiritual path, life purpose, etc. Please look over the Preparation page for a more in-depth explanation of what you can do to best prepare for your QHHT session.
The next step is the interview process, where I aim to gain a clear understanding of you as a person and what your objectives for your session are. This is a crucial step, as establishing trust and a comfortable rapport is of paramount importance. We review your questions together, and you have the opportunity to voice any concerns you may have about the QHHT process. I do my best to make sure you feel safe, confident, valued and respected. Naturally, all information shared is kept strictly confidential.
After our discussion I proceed with the induction using guided imagery. You become comfortable, peaceful and enter a pleasant state of relaxation. There are no special skills needed to be hypnotized. We access the part of your brain that stores memories and images, so all you need is to be able to visualize and describe what you see. It's best to come into the session without any set expectations as to what might happen, as every session is unique and impossible to predict which direction it will take.
Next, you are regressed to a past life that holds information which is appropriate and relevant to solving issues or concerns you may have in your current life. After reaching a deep state of trance (Somnambulistic state), communication is established with your "Higher Self." This could be referred to as the "Source of all Knowledge" or the "Higher Consciousness." Only during this phase is when all your questions are answered and all healing is facilitated, if appropriate. It is important to keep in mind that you only acquire information that you are meant to receive at the time. If certain questions are not answered, it is either because they would not benefit you in any way or because the time is not right.
You are then gently led back to full consciousness, after which details of your experience are discussed with you. At the end of the QHHT process you are given a recording of the proceedings, so that you may listen and explore further at your own leisure.
Throughout your complete QHHT session you are fully respected and supported. And of course, your experience is kept strictly confidential. It is up to you and you alone if you would like to share your recording with anyone else after you have listened to it privately.
* QHHT is intended for personal self-exploration and information only, and is not, in any way meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or psychiatric conditions, nor replace care provided by a licensed health care practitioner.